Ill Health reassessments

Ill-health eligibility

When you retired under ill-health you will have been assessed for eligibility to receive an ill health pension under the scheme you were in at the time of retirement.

The table below provides a summary of eligibility for the ill-health awards in each scheme.


Lower Tier

Higher Tier


FPS 1992

Awarded where an IQMP* finds you incapable of performing the role of a firefighter.

Awarded where an IQMP finds you incapable at the time of assessment of undertaking regular employment.

Whether the disablement will continue to normal retirement age.

FPS 2006

Awarded where an IQMP finds you incapable of performing the role of a firefighter.

Awarded where an IQMP finds you incapable of undertaking regular employment.

Whether the disablement will continue to normal retirement age.

FPS 2015

Awarded where an IQMP finds you incapable of performing role of a firefighter.

Awarded where an IQMP finds you permanently incapable of undertaking regular employment**.

Incapacity will continue until normal pension age.

*Independent “Independent Qualified Medical Practitioner

** "Regular employment" means employment (inside and/or outside the Fire and Rescue Service) for at least 30 hours a week on average over a period of not less than 12 consecutive months beginning with the date on which the issue of the person's capacity for employment arises.

Ill-health pension awards - what is the difference?

Each ill-health award is calculated differently depending on the scheme it is awarded from.

Lower tier

An award for a lower tier ill-health pension entitles a member of the FPS 1992, FPS 2006 or FPS 2015 to immediate payment of their pension benefits accrued to date of leaving with no further enhancement.

Higher tier enhancement

For a member who is awarded a higher tier pension, their entitlement accrued under the relevant scheme is enhanced as follows:

FPS 1992

Enhanced according to length of service.

Further details can be found in the ill health retirement section.

FPS 2006

Enhanced by half of the prospective service to normal pension age (60).

Further information can be found in the ill health retirement section. 

FPS 2015

Enhanced by multiplying the lower tier pension by the assumed period of pensionable service (service to age 60) and by 2%.

Further information can be found in the ill health retirement section

Eligibility in the alternative scheme and reassessments

Members who retired on ill-health will need to be provided with a choice of benefits in the alternative scheme based on their eligibility for an ill-health award. Individuals will therefore need to be reassessed under the alternative scheme. The factsheet sets out the process of reassessment, what you can expect and your choice between your existing benefits and the alternative benefits payable.



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