Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)

Every year you will be sent an Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) by your FPS administrator.

Your statement shows the value of your pension that you have built up to 31 March that year and may include projections of your pension if you were to keep contributing to your normal pension age. The statement is normally available by the end of August.

If you have any enquiries about any of the details on the statement you should contact your FPS administrator.

To find out who administers your FPS pension please visit Contacting your Firefighters' Pension Scheme administrator.

Remedy and your ABS

Please note that your 2022 ABS will give an estimate of your pension benefits built up in your current scheme membership to 31 March 2022.

The current values of this year’s statement will not be able to reflect the remedy choice between legacy and reformed benefits at this stage because the rules and systems are not yet in place to calculate benefits with discrimination removed. This means that it has not been possible to reflect the impact of the Court of Appeal ruling in this year’s ABS.

Any projections on your pension entitlement are based on the assumption that your current membership will continue until your normal pension age. All currently protected members will be moved to the FPS 2015 for service after 1 April 2022 (the end of the remedy period). Due to the software changes needed to illustrate this, it will not be possible to reflect this position in projected benefits this year.

You can find more information about removing age discrimination on the FPS Regulations and Guidance website under age discimination remedy - implementation.


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